Making fake money that will look real is a challenging task. To succeed, you need to be aware of even the smallest details of the money-making process. You will also need excellent equipment to create a top-quality counterfeit. However, making realistic-looking fake banknotes is possible if you take into account the key elements of the process:
- Innovation. While every government has its way of protecting banknotes from forgery, all countries are constantly refining them. Due to this, when making fake money, you should always react quickly to update the printing forms.
- Security. The security attribute of a banknote is all about how it looks and feels. To make fake money that is similar to the original and suitable for circulation, you will need specialized materials and devices.
Materials and Equipment for make fake money.
To achieve the desired result, you will need:
- Special paper
- Dye
- Water and plates
- A computer
- A printer
- A 3D printer
Regular paper is not suitable for the creation of a realistic counterfeit. The material will depend on the chosen currency. For example, with US dollars, you will have to use paper that consists of linen and cotton.
The 3 Step Guide to Making Fake Money
As soon as you have all the necessary materials and equipment, you can start making fake money. Note that it is crucial to follow each step as precisely as possible to ensure the highest quality of the outcome.
1. Fake money design
To design a fake banknote, you will have to use computer software. Some people prefer Adobe Photoshop. However, specialized software is advisable for improved security.
Creating a usable bill requires a sample of a real banknote in digital format. Scanning a note with a regular scanner is fruitless, as the quality drops drastically. High-resolution scanners and online sources are preferable options.
2. Fake money paper
The paper you use for forgery should be the same as the original. One of the most common paper types used for the creation of fake bills consists of a 25% Linen and 75% cotton mix. The authentic-looking paper should have blue and red fibers. Making polymer notes requires paper with a security thread.
3. Fake money printing
To make forged money undetectable, you should use advanced equipment and follow a strict printing procedure.
So far, intaglio printing has proven to be a reliable printing method. When you put the banknote paper into the intaglio printer, you may expect about 32 bills per page. For the fake money to look real, you will need high-quality ink. Black is for the front of the banknote, while green is for the back. It is highly advisable to wait for at least 24 hours before you print the second side.
After intaglio printing, you have to print the serial number and treasury seal with a letterpress using regular ink. You will need to use the 3D printer to engrave security marks on the paper to make it look even more authentic.
Finally, all you have to do is cut out the bills, using a guillotine knife, and check them for defects. Your realistic-looking counterfeit money is ready!
You can find a lot of bill printing equipment on alibaba lately, but you need to know exactly what you’re buying. There are also legends about Korean printing presses.
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